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[-A Beautiful Mind-]

"Mathematician is the least expensive researcher to support.All they need are a pencil, a sheet of paper and a dustbin; When they turned philosopher they don't need them anymore" I guess this phrase is the best to describe us - A MATHEMATICIAN


things to do..

Whaa.. awalnye pagi aku bangun.. padahal satu hari x tdo..huhuhuh :)Rasenye hari ni aku kena start study, nk taknak kena gak.. sem lepas bleh tahan gak la teruk, takkan nk teruk lagi, kan? ntahla, aku sendiri pun tak faham ngan hidup aku. Selalu aniaya diri sendiri, seronok2 lama² diri sendiri yang susah.. Aku nak start serious belaja, aku kena kuatkan semangat aku.. cuba lagi.. terus mencuba.. :)
Arini rase cam nk study sosiolgy, ,mayb some stats n keewangan.. hopefully... so many subjects tak study padahal masa tinggal lagi beberapa hari.. Ya Allah... harap aku leh buat.. waaaaa. cuaknye...

By A.Syakirien
On Saturday, April 15, 2006
At 4/15/2006 08:08:00 AM
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