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[-A Beautiful Mind-]

"Mathematician is the least expensive researcher to support.All they need are a pencil, a sheet of paper and a dustbin; When they turned philosopher they don't need them anymore" I guess this phrase is the best to describe us - A MATHEMATICIAN


nasi lemak...

=).....makan nasi lemak pagi tadi...best...=)...tunang sy yang masak...hahahaha...
"shhh....sebenarnyer tak sedap mane pun...jgn gtau dia...nanti dia nagis"...hahaha..gelak jahat...

By A.Syakirien
On Saturday, October 23, 2010
At 10/23/2010 09:21:00 AM
Comments :

Ustaz Asri meninggal dunia.. Al fatihah

Just a while ago before I attend optimal control class, i've listened to a song by Rabbani entitle 'Marhaban Ya Ramadan' sung by Mohd. Asri Ibrahim.. Never thought he can't make it this year... as last Ramadhan was his last and today dusk was his last fajr.. Your voice will remain in our ears and hearts... May Allah bless his soul and allocate him among those who believes.. Al Fatihah.

By A.Syakirien
On Thursday, August 13, 2009
At 8/13/2009 11:42:00 AM
Comments :

10 days before it is over

Macam-macam dah berlaku dalam tempoh beberapa bulan aku tak meng'update' blog ni, antaranya BN gagal pertahan majoriti 2/3 dalam pilihan raya Mac yang lalu, aku dah submit borang master, dah confirm tajuk research, gaduh ngan budak2 junior yang terlalu pandai dan yang paling mengharukan, aku bakal menamatkan pengajian dalam masa 15 hari dari tarikh hari ini :)

Pada pilihan raya yang lalu, aku mengundi untuk pertama kalinya. Di kertas undi tertera lambang dacing dan roket, calon bagi lambang-lambang ni sama saja (sama-sama langsat), jadi aku berteori mengundi mana-mana pun sama, jadi aku mengundi yang... owh, undi itu rahsia! Tapi kesan darinya, UMNO menjadi seperti hari ini kerna penangan golongan muda seperti aku, hebat bukan? Rasakan apabila hak kami dinafikan. Bila media menggila, pemimpin UMNO ingat kami suka tengok Buletin Utama sangatkah? Suka Berita pagi dan berita jam 8 di RTM? Bila telinga kami semakin panas, aku layari internet, buka Harakahdaily dan web-web blog.. Ternyata, arus perdana ni kaki bohong.. nak tipu orang tua cam bapak aku bleh la.. hahaha Tahun merawat kelantan konon.. hahaha 5 negeri hilang.. Wakakaka.. Kepada Pak Lah, tak yah la letak jawatan, aku suka Pak Lah terus jadi PM, sebab orang makin menyampah.. biar hilang terus UMNO lepas ni, sombong dan angkuhlah lagi!

Baru-baru ni (11 April 2008), aku submit borang permohonan pengajian master ke UPM. Tajuk kajian semua dah ditetapkan, dan aku dah sedikit sebanyak membaca mengenainya. Kajian ni berkenaan 'Metallurgy in Magnetohydrodynamics'. Ini skop bidang kajian bakal supervisor aku, Dr Mat Nor, lebih mendalam lagi kajian ni mengenai Magnetic Breaking in Magnetic field. Kalau sesiapa tahu, dalam teori melebur besi untuk dibentuk memang ada teori medan magnet supaya bahan yang diacu tu bersih dah berkualiti. Jadi kami, ahli matematik tertarik dengan gelombang magnet dalam cairan besi tu. Jadi ni salah satu bidang dalam Fluid Dynamics gak.. adeh, payah betul nak cerita. Kesimpulannya, aku tak habis kaji lagi berkenaan fenomena ni, tapi kalau nk applikasikan matematiknya, taklah serumit menceritakan teori metalurgi ni. Cuma selelesaikan persamaan vorticity dengan kaedah-kaedah berangka (finite difference) untuk mekanik bendalir seperti Lax-Wendroff, MacCormack dan lain-lain. Kemudian gunakan magnetic Reynold's number (R_m) <<1>>1 dan lihat hasilnya apabila Graf diplot oleh compiler C atau Fortran atau MATLAB.. Nak cerita, senang je.. hahaha

Dah nk abes study pun, masih ada yang sudi mencari pasal sama aku... itulah hakikatnya. Inilah ceritera budak-budak pandai, 1st class. Tapi tak reti nk hormat atau hormati orang lain apatah lagi ucapan terima kasih. Waima siapapun orang itu, kedudukannya, yang penting sesama manusia harus ada rasa hormat menghormati. Respect get Respect. Budak-budak ini sama group assignment ngan aku, junior 2 tahun, masih kanak-kanak rebina dan perempuan pula. Aku sudahlah sebatang kara di UTM ni, rasanya ingin bersahabat dengan adik-adik ni. Lalu aku berikan sumbangan yang termampu untuk mereka.. bukanlah aku suka mengungkit, cuma ingin menceriterakan jasa itu walaupun kecil tetap besar ertinya.. Sampi bila-bilapun kamu takkan bleh lupa.. Aku ikhlas untuk itu, dan aku mengharapkan kerjasama. Diulang, KERJASAMA. Sehingga aku merasakan wujud diskriminasi kalian terhadap aku, maka cukuplah berkumpulan sampai disitu. Aku mampu buat semua tugasan sendiri, aku bukan mengemis geliga akal orang lain, aku juga mampu berfikir, matang, malah lebih baik dari kanak-kanak seperti kamu. Aku akui aku tidak sebijak kamu dalam peperiksaan, dalam dalam realiti kehidupan, aku lebih mengerti erti hidup berbanding kamu. Grow uplah Children!

Masa yang berlalu pantas, melupakan aku sudah dewasa. Aku bakal merealisasi cita-cita. Bakal berkeluarga. Bakal punya hidup sendiri. Bakal bebas dari suapan dan kelambu ibu bapa. Sebesar manapun kejayaan yang bakal ku kecap, Ayah dan Ibu tempat jasa bakti ku persembah.

By A.Syakirien
On Friday, April 18, 2008
At 4/18/2008 05:50:00 PM
Comments :

New: year 2008 , 1429 of Hijri, 23rd of living

Welcome! Welcome!

I don't think it's too late to wish for happy new year for both Islamic and Gregory calender (1429 and 2008). Same as last year, this year will be another journey to go thru, and off course the consequences is something I always expected. I'm thinking of getting lucky this year, as I have one more semester to go and I can't wait to finish them off. Especially when I've already contact my future supervisor for M.Sc, which I already named by the side of this blog. For the time being, he not yet mention to me the exact tittle for my research except the field of studies, it's Fluid Dynamic in Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). This stuff is actually another field in plasma physics, the mathematician only interested in experimenting the governing equation with any numerical schemes using computer programming. Not just that, the equations meant a lot to be proven analytically, with sort of theorem. Meaning that, both Applied and Pure Mathematician always been excited by any physical equations, till then they're still a lot of research paper published for MHD theories itself. Mean while, I'm on my way to finish my reading on a few literatures and books about to this theory, they're still a lot of effort to be made.

Another news, I already asked for Prof. Sarah permission to 'sit in' his Computational Fluid Dynamics class. This is suggested by my potential supervisor to undertake this preliminary course. I don't know what it's really like, but i always thought it's so much interesting.

A professor at last!


By A.Syakirien
On Monday, January 14, 2008
At 1/14/2008 10:55:00 PM
Comments :

do i see M.Sc?

This sems is about to last, the last stage is around the corner. With the remaining 2 subjects next sem will make me a bachelor of Ind. Maths. just like my dream when i'm still at hi school. Now, i dreamt of M.Sc in pure mathematics, and i hope there's still a hope. I have decided to leave UTM, and planned my M.Sc somewhere in the KL (maybe UPM Serdang). BTW, My interest is in theoritical studies, on differential equation , partial differential equation and evolution equations. I also would like to try complex analysis and it's so interesting (I rather love a 100 pages long of calculation than a 100 pages of Stats. Quality Control handbook; that really turn me sleepy) Well, i have visited UPM's INSPEM website and look through researches that are offerred, and it seems to me no such tittles matched to my interest. Relax, this is just another challenge. I think, at this stage i should try something new, but not something that i hate. (OR and Stats; they should not belong to the dept.) I look forward theoritical studies to avoid computer programming (i'm just a traditional mathematician, paper and pen is more reliable :P) again, i feel like too bored to be bounded by the old same me.. Guest i need something new.. Let's try Single phase fluid and heat flows, Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer! This perhaps don't sound so bad. Besides, i always get fascinate by fluid dynamics and heat transfer books, they are so beautiful.. But to start something new, you have to face the challenge and there's is no turning back when your foot step forward.

By A.Syakirien
On Monday, November 05, 2007
At 11/05/2007 01:01:00 AM
Comments :

Eh.. I'm writing Lah!

Dia lalu!
Melenggang lenggok
Melirik senyum padaku

Dia tegur!
"Nak kemana tu?"
Terkesima ku merenung sepasang mata itu
Ikhlaskah ia terhadapku?
Aku tersenyum sendiri

Mana dia?
Si comel idaman hati
Hilang dari pandangan
Mungkin sibuk menelaah pelajaran

Mana dia lagi!
Aku tercari-cari
Semester ini bakal berakhir
Moga secangkir senyuman itu
Tidak luput dari ingatan

Sampai ketemu lagi...

Sesungguhnya bibir ini berat mengungkap rasa
Sesungguhnya hati ini takut tersalah
Andai benar firasat hamba
Ku mohon Tuhan


p/s: The poet of fall.. hahahaha

By A.Syakirien
On Wednesday, October 03, 2007
At 10/03/2007 11:54:00 AM
Comments :


Salamz to all my friends, seems like i missed this blog alot.. Now its time for me to write anything, atleast about something that never been told.. Things that turned me into a lazy bone, makes me preocupied and stuck the whole day until RECENTLY..

On July the 19th, i was offered into a job by my friend, Mr Din. The job is as a janitor (also tech support to Mr. Din, he was a technician during the time ) to a printing shop cum small internet cafe. I think. Maybe he became bored of my lament (about my daily 11 credits schedule that turned me bored all the day).. SIGH :P. The first day i was in the shop, is like an alien in Mars or something.. Yeah, frankly speaking, what the hell i'm going to do with all this big printers (they call 'em plotters) with terms like A0, A1, A2... DeM! I start to think to submit my Optimal Control assignments on A0 sized paper.. haha then Dr. Abdul Aziz will consider extra effort on that. LOLZ.. :)) That's some tickling fact in the view of a matematician, the real thing is that.. this big machine did make a lot of money :) Come to thing that a full coloured page of JPEG, printed from a laser color plotter will cost Rm80 per pieces.. huh.. And those 'desperados' (mostly 'budak2 FAB.." and post graduate who about to present their posters) will pay it for any cost.. Hahaha.. Just imagine, the real cost is worth not more than rm10.. hahahahaha Gee.. I LOVE MAKING MONEY.. :) Uppss.. Sorry, Network Printing doesn't offer colour laser plotter service.. BUT... it just an old story to be told, beginning September 2007, me and my buddy, Mr. Din had to quit the job because of some internal matters, n we're up to something new.. again.. hahaha :))

By A.Syakirien
On Friday, September 07, 2007
At 9/07/2007 10:06:00 AM
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