Blog is now updated!
It has been almost two months without any post, today will be the lucky day as i just wrote one :) Actually,I don't mean to delay,but since couple of months ago, i just can't access to the blogspot site. UTM's server admin seems to block this IP from our view, i guess maybe they just want to prevent the opposition from propagating their propaganda (checkout Mahasiswa-UTM), what a chicken! huhu As time past by, i've solve every problem related to my final year project, i already chose different topic and.. Tada! I already submitted the first 2 chapters! haha
Since September, i propose to my supervisor to do Soliton besides the topic before. This subject has a wide and broad interest within the real maths and physics world, since then, many book , articles and journals about soliton's research easily can be found. My interest in soliton study is it Korteweg-de Vries Equation via Hirota Bilinear Method. To those who already puzzle, what is soliton? Here is some information about it. In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave caused by a delicate balance between nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium. Solitons are found in many physical phenomena, as they arise as the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems. The soliton phenomenon was first described by John Scott Russell (1808-1882) who observed a solitary wave in the Union Canal, reproduced the phenomenon in a wave tank, and named it the "Wave of Translation".
It is not easy to define precisely what a soliton is. Drazin and Johnson (1989) describe solitons as solutions of nonlinear differential equations which
1. represent waves of permanent form;
2. are localised, so that they decay or approach a constant at infinity;
3. can interact strongly with other solitons, but they emerge from the collision unchanged apart from a phase shift

Basicly, soliton is all about nonlinear partial differential equations. Since, all of it's equation have nonlinear form, besides Korteweg-de Vries Equation (KdV)they are cubical Scrodinger equation, sine-klein gordon, kadomstev-petviashivili equation and so on. Well, i see that you guys just got bored. hehe I am so exited about soliton, it's fun!
Well, Raya is just about 2 weeks more. I bought my bus ticket for the 20th, whaa.. just couldn't wait to go home :). Before that, By the 18th, i planned to shop for new cloths, the fund was sponsered by my mother. hehe I still confuse what to buy, previously i bought something that look expensive but cheap in price, off course, big sales stuff! Any jeans or shirts with discount up to 50% will be grabbed, as long as the size is match and fit. I wish to shop and spree in JB only,because i don't have much time to go to KL. Well, i want put a full stop here, until next time :P
Your project finished? What new insights does the Hirota Bilinear Method give on the KdV equation? Or just another method to get similar results?
Haven't read anything about it yet (but familiar with the KdV equation and all its symmetries and conserved quantities etcetera) but see there's a few articles on it (the Hirota Bilinear Method) on Arxiv - might check it out...