"Mathematician is the least expensive researcher to support.All they need are a pencil, a sheet of paper and a dustbin; When they turned philosopher they don't need them anymore" I guess this phrase is the best to describe us - A MATHEMATICIAN
Herm... think of it, and do explain with your own basic knowledge :P Really, i dunno what's going on actually. When once this pic was shown to me, i lost all clues.. Help me :)
By A.Syakirien On Tuesday, August 01, 2006 At 8/01/2006 12:28:00 PM Comments :
Dari apa yang saya lihat, sebenarnyer angle gambar 1 n 2 berbeza. cntohnyer kedudukan segitiga merah, anglenyer lebih condong. sedikit perubahan sudut membuatkan satu ruang terhasil. sebenarnyer, gambar 2 not perfect triengle.... look at carefully....
Salam :), I'm Ahmad Syakirien @ Huddie. I'm 23 yrs old of age. Currently studying Applied Mathematics at Graduate level. My research interest is on magnetohydrodynamics in fluid dynamics. Anybody who would like to interact with me can mail to neirikays@yahoo.com
My Only Wish
(2008-2010) Masters in Applied Mathematics (Research in Computational Magnetohydrodynamics) hopefully under Dr. Mohd Nor Saad supervision
(2010-2013) Ph.d in Industrial Magnetohydrodynamics under Prof. Alfred D. Sneyd supervision
Dari apa yang saya lihat, sebenarnyer angle gambar 1 n 2 berbeza. cntohnyer kedudukan segitiga merah, anglenyer lebih condong. sedikit perubahan sudut membuatkan satu ruang terhasil. sebenarnyer, gambar 2 not perfect triengle.... look at carefully....